Tai Chi Harmonies - Downton

A Brand New Class for 2025!
Learn how to Harmonise your Body & Mind with Tai Chi
In this brand new class, starting Jan 2025, we will begin to explore how the ancient art of taijiquan (Tai Chi) actually works to bring about a unique understanding of both external and internal mindful practices. Externally we learn how to connect-up the body to move as a single unit; internally we use that joined-up body to move qi (energy) smoothly from head to toe; all of this requires a mindful awareness of our structure, position and movements through space.
If you have an interest in studying how tajiquan works at its deepest level, than you'll love this class!
We will not be learning a specific 'form' but will use movement sequences and some partner-connection exercises to support the material covered. Even though the defintions of this material may sound a little daunting, the actual practice of it is stimulating and fun to learn.
The topics covered will include:
- 'Three Outer Harmonies' - how to connect the legs and arms with the torso so that when one part moves, all parts move.
- 'Silk Reeling Techniques' - deepens body control by understanding how joints and the body-segments between the joints articulate and connect-up.
- 'Eight Trigrams' (bagua) for Movement - allows us to make connections between the elemental forces of nature ( heaven, earth, fire, water etc.) and the manifestation of the Tai Chi energies (ward, roll, squeeze, press etc.)
These sessions are currently open to active beginners - to check your suitability please
Regular attendance is encouraged as the classes are progressive & you will not be able to keep up otherwise.
Cost: £10
60-75 minutes of exercise. Arrive at 7pm for a start 5 minutes later; the class will finish between 8 and 8:15pm
Led by Patrick Foley, Senior Instructor Tai Chi Union of Great Britain, Indoor Student of Master Sam Masich.
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The 3 Three Outer Harmonies
‘Outer’ refers to the six joints of the limbs—shoulders, elbows, wrists/hands for the arms; hips, knees, ankles/feet for the legs. When we move in Tai Chi we aim to connect-up these joints and use them sequentially to develop a strong body structure and superior co-ordination.
Chansigong - Silk Reeling Techniques
Yin-Yang Chansigong is one of the most important taijiquan practices for developing continuity and power. Chansigong is mainly associated with Chen-style Taijiquan and, to a lesser extent, with Wu-style taijiquan, however, it is also very much a component of the Yang-style taijiquan. While it is greatly beneficial to all areas of internal-arts training, chansigong is almost completely unknown to Yang-style Taijiquan players as it has traditionally been taught in ‘closed-door’ settings.
In chansigong, the terms yang and yin refer to the ‘rolling direction’ of the movements. ‘Yang’ practices ‘roll’ outward much in the way a wheel rolls forward, while ‘Yin’ practices ‘roll’ inward much as a wheel rolls backward. The Chinese word chan means to ‘twine,’ ‘entwine,’ ‘entangle,’ ‘wrap around,’ or ‘reel.’ Si means ‘silk’ or ‘thread.’ ‘Chan’ and ‘si’ together form ‘chansi’ which is usually translated as ‘silk reeling,’ silk winding,’ or, more simply, as ‘coiling,’ or ‘twining.’
Taiji to Bagua - 8 Trigrams for Movement
Most of us would probably have seen the bagua trigrams (☰ ☷ ☲ ☵ ☱ ☶ ☴ ☳) but not recognised them for what they can represent. In the Masich Internal Arts Method (MIAM) which this material is based on, Taiji to Bagua is an external preparation.
It has two purposes. The first is to establish a mindfully protected space around yourself by turning in eight directions and expressing the ‘eight energies’ (bājìn) in a fortifying way. The second purpose is to physically depict these energies according their conceptualization in the Masich Internal Arts Method and to enliven your awareness of the thirteen-power concept at work in throughout the method. Once learned, Taiji to Bagua can be done in one to two minutes.
Event Information
Event Date | Wed 22nd Jan 2025 - 7:05 pm |
Capacity | 16 |
Available Place | 12 |
Individual Price | £10 |
Location | Downton, Memorial Hall |
Location Map
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