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Yang Style Tai Chi - Ringwood

Yang Style Tai Chi - Ringwood

Come and study authentic Taijiquan with us!

group chop downton

An ongoing class for students who have begun their study of the Yang style 24 Step and full 5 Section Taijiquan curriculum. If you are interested in learning as a beginner you are welcome - please contact us if you need more information.

The Masich Internal Arts Method (MIAM) Five Section Taijiquan program material is designed to be flexible and fun, ideal for beginners to get a well grounded introduction to traditional Tai Chi, who may then decide to take on the more difficult challenges of the full curriculum. 

This term we will continue our study of the 24-step Yang style form, based on a thorough understanding of core principles. Learning to create correct alignment in the body, free the mind through breath and calm, and move intentfully are all part of authentive taijiquan (Tai Chi) practice. Part of this study requires we work with partners to develop greater sensitity to the subtle energies at play when we jion with the taiji process. None of our partner work is designed to be competitive.

Cost: £10
60 minutes of exercise.

Led by Gina Davenport, Instructor Tai Chi Union of Great Britain.
Please note: Payment of Gina's classes are now directly managed by her, so if you are paying online or by BACS you will be given her bank details.

We cannot offer refunds for non-attendance under any circumstances; nor can we re-schedule classes for you at the last minute. We trust you will understand this is now a necessary step for us to reduce admin.

Switch to TABLE VIEW if you wish to register for several classes together.


Benefits of practising Tai Chi (taijiquan)

  • Developing good posture, balance, strength and coordination
  • Improving memory, concentration and multi-tasking
  • Reducing stress, anxiety and depression
  • Enhancing mobility and flexibility

What is Tai Chi Connection work?

Taijiquan, in its essence, is a partner activity. Traditionally speaking, solo forms and exercises are meant to prepare for two person work. While practitioners can learn and experience many positive results from solo work, far greater benefit comes from applying principles while in physical contact with another taiji player. It can fairly be said that without partner connection the essence of taiji is missing.

For various reasons partner work does not appeal to everyone and many enthusiasts have had unhappy experiences with taiji push-hands or martial applications work. The purpose of wuduan jue-shou or 'sensing-hands' is to open up a tactile dialogue which includes communication through touch, transformation of energy and movement through relaxation. By focusing attention on the basics of making and maintaining partner connection (rather than on competitive outcomes), jue-shou can help practitioners to transform what they have learned through solo work into a meaningful understanding of the art of taijiquan. Sensing-hands, as adopted by the 5 section program, is in fact authentic preparation for traditional taiji partner work.

Event Information

Event Date Tue 21st Jan 2025 - 2:45 pm
Capacity 14
Available Place 8
Individual Price £10
Location Ringwood, Greyfriars

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map

How to book events

When in table view, the classes list may extend to more than one page. Use the navigation bar above to move between pages.

If you wish to book classes that, say, are on Page 1 and Page 2, go to the first page and make your selection, then "Add to Cart'. In the checkout screen, select 'Modify Cart' then '+ Add More Events". This takes you back to the table listing and you can navigate to Page 2 and make more selections. Continue this process until you have all the classes you want, then complete the Check Out process.