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Tai Chi

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Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi

The 18 move Shibashi Tai Chi Qigong movements are traditionally performed with music and are relaxing and easy to follow,and is practised around the world by millions of people. It is based on some of the movements from Yang style tai chi chuan and this gentle, flowing qigong exercise set is deeply relaxing and pleasant to perform. 

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Shibashi was developed in 1979 by Professor Lin Hou-Sheng and is designed to improve the health and wellbeing of the practitioner. The gentle rocking and stretching movements improve circulation, digestion and balance. The controlled breathing and chest exercises are good for lung conditions and the general holistic effect of the set is to reduce stress and tension.

We learned the Shibashi set while studying in Malaysia in the mid 1980s where it had become the ‘national health exercise’ it is. We saw practitioners of many different levels of ability, from serious athletes, tai chi students and young people through to groups of elderly people who had suffered some significant health problems prior to starting. We saw a group of older ladies practising daily in a local park and started to chat with them one day. They were very enthusiastic to tell us about how Shibashi had helped them and their friends, enabled them to walk without their sticks and we met one very mobile lady who they said had initially been in a wheelchair.

Many of our long-term tai chi students still enjoy Shibashi Set 1 sessions alongside complete beginners.

Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi Set 2

jl shibashi set2 outline 02Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi Set 2 builds on Shibashi Set 1, but can also be learned by complete beginners. Set 2 works with the connection to Earth and allowing the Earth energy to naturally rise and support us. The exchange of qi between Heaven and Earth is happening in humans all the time, but we can influence it and enhance it for health and well-being by practising qigong.
The movements of Set 2 are more challenging than Set 1 and will not be taught in these workshops as a follow-along exercise class. There is more stepping, turning and balancing than in set 1 and Set 2 builds up leg strength as well as filling us with yin. Some workshops may only work on one or two new moves from the set, depending on how participants are integrating the material. Movements and components will be taught in more depth than in the format we use for teaching set 1, and in workshop format participants can be given individual corrections. There will also be some core work on Zhan Zhuang standing postures, breathing, and exercises to feel and move qi. We will also revisit some moves from Set 1 to compare, contrast and improve on them.

Visit our dedicated Shibashi site (coming soon).