Beginners Classes
Below is a list of events that are suitable for complete beginners. More experienced students can also benefit from these sessions, to use as warmups or fine tune your personal practices.
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Tai Chi Harmonies - Downton

Learn how to Harmonise your Body & Mind with Tai Chi
In this brand new class, starting Jan 2025, we will begin to explore how the ancient art of taijiquan (Tai Chi) actually works to bring about a unique understanding of both external and internal mindful practices. Externally we learn how to connect-up the body to move as a single unit; internally we use that joined-up body to move qi (energy) smoothly from head to toe; all of this requires a mindful awareness of our structure, position and movements through space.
We will not be learning a specific 'form' but will use movement sequences and some partner-connection exercises to support the material covered.
These sessions are currently open to active beginners - to check your suitability please
Regular attendance is encouraged as the classes are progressive & you will not be able to keep up otherwise.
Cost: £10
60-75 minutes of exercise. Arrive at 7pm for a start 5 minutes later; the class will finish between 8 and 8:15pm
Led by Patrick Foley, Senior Instructor Tai Chi Union of Great Britain, Indoor Student of Master Sam Masich.