Beginners Classes
Below is a list of events that are suitable for complete beginners. More experienced students can also benefit from these sessions, to use as warmups or fine tune your personal practices.
You can view classes in three ways:
Table View is useful if you wish to register for several classes together,
Timeline View is easy for a single registration & gives you more detail about each class,
All Venues allows to see all classes available in a calendar layout.
How to book events
When in table view, the classes list may extend to more than one page. Use the navigation bar above to move between pages.
If you wish to book classes that, say, are on Page 1 and Page 2, go to the first page and make your selection, then "Add to Cart'. In the checkout screen, select 'Modify Cart' then '+ Add More Events". This takes you back to the table listing and you can navigate to Page 2 and make more selections. Continue this process until you have all the classes you want, then complete the Check Out process.